Beach Maternity Photos | OC Parks

OC Beach Maternity Photos

Beach Maternity Photos

Beach Maternity Photos are very popular here in Southern California. There are so many beautiful beaches and only a handful allow photography without a costly permit! OC Park System permits photographers for a few local beaches and many OC Parks! Thank you OC Parks! The only downside to this is the best beach to shoot at is small and full of photographers.

Nice Weather = Crowded Beaches!

How long have we had dreary weather – WAY too long!! This past weekend was the first nice weather we have had in months and it brought everyone to the beach! When I arrived at the location it was packed – no parking and little sand left untouched on the beach. Panic set in at first and my hubby kept saying “I don’t know what you’re going to do”.

Luckily I get to my shoots early and this time I was almost an hour early. After we finally parked I had time to scout out and see if there was anyplace left to shoot. Between the nice weather crowd and the graduation parties, it didn’t look good. We found a small area near the rocks and said a quick prayer that it would work! Then the other photographers started to arrive. I’m so glad that all of us worked together and made it happen for our clients.

Oh, but there was one photographer that got a little close to the edge and, well he and his client got hit by one of those rogue waves that happen often at this beach! That wave drenched, his client, himself and his camera! That was the end of their session! I may have experienced that with a client a few years ago…and learned never trust the ocean! You can see a little bit on that session here.

I have done a lot of Beach Maternity Photos and this was the toughest shoot to date! First the crowd, which didn’t let up at all! Then the sun decided to play some tricks on us! It was like the time I tried to do a session during an eclipse! (more on that later) There was such a thick cloud bank high in the sky that it blocked the sun out for a bit but resulted in the most beautiful sunset later!

Sweetest Couple

Have I said lately that I have the best clients?? Oh, last post I said it? Well I really do!! Despite all the crazy Kim had the best attitude! We had a lot of laughs and got some great photos along the way. Baby’s gender will be a surprise! I don’t know if I could go for 9 months not knowing! I didn’t have a choice with my daughter since they didn’t’ do ultrasounds back then…yes, I’m that old… But with my son, we had the technology and I needed to know! So I applaud this couple for sticking to it – you’re almost there! I’m secretly hoping for a girl since I still haven’t had a girl in my studio in months!! All babies booked right now are boys and the only chance for a girl is this one!! Team Pink!

Kim chose 2 newly added gowns from my studio closet! I love both of them! They’re both from Sew Trendy. I love the quality and the styles of the Sew Trendy Gowns. The pink gown is the Eira Gown and the Grey is a photographer exclusive gown from the Sew You subscription box! I love the grey gown so much It’s my favorite gown to date!

At the end of the session the sunset was so beautiful I said I would take a few shots and try to merge them together to get a pretty sunset photo. I also said I’m not promising anything since I’ve not done this before! Turns out that both of the sunset shots I didn’t have to merge anything! They were perfect with a bit of brightening and I am loving the results! Enjoy this sneak peek!

I would love to help you plan your perfect Maternity shoot! You can contact me here: Contact Form You can also check out the Maternity Page for pricing and information here: Maternity Page

Beach Maternity Photos
Beach Maternity Photos
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