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Jake | San Juan Capistrano Senior Photographer

Jake graduated this week from Tesoro High School!  I am so proud of Jake for accomplishing his goal of going to Annapolis Naval Academy!  Jake has wanted to be a Navy Seal since he was just a little guy and is well on his way to achieving that goal also!  Not only is he going to Annapolis but he is going with a full ride scholarship for water polo!!!  Way to go Jake!!!
I met Jake and his sister Emma when they were in my pre-school Sunday School class years ago.  I love these kids so much they were the sweetest kids and still are!  He is also the best big brother any girl could ever have.  I will always remember him not wanting to move up to the next level in Sunday school and leave his sister behind…and we let him stay until she moved up too.  So sweet to see such a great sibling relationship!
This guy has an amazing future ahead of him…Congratulations Jake!!!

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