Orange County Maternity Photos

Maternity Photoshoot Orange County | Thomas Riley Wilderness Park

Orange County Maternity Pictures

So much to say…

I don’t even know where to start with this post! There is so so much to say… When I got the request for this Maternity Photoshoot there was one request I had not had before. They had a daughter pass away and wanted to include her in some way. I wanted to do it right and not cheesy. I wanted to do something that when they looked at those photos there would be no question that she was there in spirit. This was going to be a very special photoshoot for sure…

I found out that this couple had lost their daughter when she was 8 years old to brain cancer. They have experienced the unimaginable and have such a peace. They are very strong believers which doesn’t make it easier to loose a child but knowing they have a God that loves them through this is what gives them peace. I know I say this about all my clients but this couple was the sweetest! They really are!! The kind of people you don’t want to leave because they are so kind and make you feel loved and appreciated. You don’t meet many people in life like this – I consider myself blessed to have met them!

Maternity Photoshoot Ideas

I found out that their daughter was 8 when she passed away from brain cancer. Trying to think of what to do for the session, I had the idea of putting something in the shoot that was her favorite. Balloons in a favorite color, flowers, a stuffed animal she loved. Something that would unquestionably represent her. When mama came to try on dresses she brought her hubby and daughter. As we talked about the new baby’s name came up and her middle name was Rose. The daughter they lost had said she wanted a sister and to name her Rose or Daisy! My first thought with the flower idea was roses!!! Perfect!! Then we talked about the balloons, she was afraid of balloons but she loved roses. From the time she was little she would grab her grandmothers huge roses and smell them. Again, no question about adding roses!!

Then we talked about stuffed animals. She had a favorite ballerina bear that she loved so much! Bring her! It came up that it was worn and maybe not a good idea. Nope, bring it! It’s perfect! Her favorite teddy bear with them in the photos. You guys – it still smells like her after 3 years! (I need a crying emoji!)


When we were talking about location I mentioned there was butterfly garden at Riley. Dad’s eyes lit up and he said: I don’t know if you’ve known anyone that has lost a child but seeing butterflies is very common. They told me they see them all the time – everywhere! In my head I thought well Riley’s butterfly garden is pretty sad and I’ve never seen a butterfly anywhere in the park. Well we get to my first shooting spot and their daughter finds a beautiful butterfly wing on the ground!! WHAT??!! I was shocked and his words ran through my mind again. We got through more than half of the shoot and went into the large field to end. Something catches my eye…Butterflies! WHAT??!! Tiny butterflies with lavender wings everywhere!! I have never seen that many they were all around us just sitting in the brush! It’s still hard to believe they were there! I just wish I could have gotten them in the shots! They were so little they are just blurry specks.

More precious than gold…

My hope and prayer for this session was that I would be able to capture exactly what they were looking for and these photos would bring them joy. I love that grandma was there too! Such a sweet sweet session with so much meaning all around. I have to admit going through this session I teared up a few times. You can see so much raw emotion in some of the photos and so much joy in others. This family understands how important photos are. When you lose someone that’s all you have left and every photo is more precious than gold!

Childhood Cancer Awareness

Did you know that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month?? It just dawned on me as I was writing this post. Did you know that only 4% of cancer funding goes toward Childrens cancer research?? We have too many of our babies with cancer and that number needs to change! Next month I will do my annual FUNdraiser for Childhood Cancer Research. As always it will be Halloween Fun, so come in costume! Last year we raised $500 – lets see if we can double or triple that this year! Watch for booking info coming soon! If you dont‘ want to miss out on these sessions make sure to join the mailing list! Mailing list gets to book 1 day in advance! Join Mailing List HERE

Family maternity photos
Orange County Maternity Photographer
Maternity photos
Maternity photos
3 Generation Maternity photoshoot
Mother daughter pregnancy photos
Orange County Maternity photos
Orange County Maternity photos
Orange County pregnancy  photos

I would love to help you plan the perfect session!! For more information on booking your Maternity Photoshoot you can contact me here: I would like more info

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