What I Did This Summer…

Every year when I went back to school I had to write a paper about “What I did this summer”. So I thought I would do that since its been a while! This is part 1 of 2 because I had such a busy summer – and well I like to talk!

I took the summer off from working this year. This summer was the summer before Cody started full time school. Since I’ve had Cody almost everyday for 5 years I was going to miss all our fun times and outings. This was it – our last chance before uniforms, homework, signed papers, and grades. (And by the way no grades, or homework in Jr Kindergarten we have another year!) We definitely made the most of our summer…heres a little recap.

  • We went to the pool and beach club often. We watched a family of geese grow up and teach their young to forage at the beach club. They flew in every afternoon and created quit a stir. And I have to say Cody is now terrified of geese!
  • Pedal-boating on the Rancho Santa Margarita Lake. That made for a fun and VERY sweaty afternoon!



  • We took a little vacation and stayed with my parents in Turlock the first week in July
  • Went to Jamestown and saw one of only 2 working turntables to take the train into the roundhouse!
  • First REAL fireworks – although he says they aren’t real like the ones at the lake!
  • Fourth of July Parade in Turlock.
  • Did a tour at the Hilmar Cheese Factory and made ice cream
  • Did a tour at the Jelly Belly factory – Belly Flops!
  • Went down in the Black Chasm Caves – so cool and no bats – yay!
  • Visited the Sacramento Train Museum and Old Town
  • Went to what our family calls Frog Hollow…don’t ask – where my dad lives during the week in Fremont.  We had cows in the front yard and horses in the back and a coyote hanging out in near the horses the morning we left.  Cody figured out you can pretend shoot a coyote and they run back into the hills – boys!
  • We drove home on Highway 1 down the California Coast – So beautiful!  Somewhere along the way we found Elephant Seals all along the beach and had to stop!



  • Sea World tickets twice.  I loved that since Sea World is one of my favorite places!
  • And Disneyland of course!  Once with Great Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Sean and cousin Peter!


Cody has the most AWESOME teacher, Mrs. Quickle…he is going to have a great year for sure!  As much as I miss Cody everyday it is sure nice to have a little free time in the mornings!



I am back to work and loving every session and every family that I have had the privilege to photograph this fall!!  Oh and I will be catching up on this blogging thing so you will see lots of past and present clients…..

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  1. Looks like you had an awesome and active summer! It is so special that you could capture it all so beautifully in photographs! It would have been fun to meet you when you were at Railtown. We’ll just have to arrange a meet-up sometime and trade photo sessions!

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