Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made | Orange County Newborn Photographer

Wonderfully Made

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

For some getting pregnant and having a family comes very easy. For others, it’s years of heartbreak, tears, and lots of prayers. I am not personally familiar with this struggle but have seen friends and clients go through it. My heart breaks for every disappointment they face. But for many on the other side is such pure joy!! So many prayers for so many babies whether that comes through adoption or pregnancy.

This sweet family prayed for a baby and they got 2 – no not twins but close! When I booked this session it was like any other booking we set the due date kept in touch since the baby was late. Once the baby arrived and I sent the questionnaire out and I noticed that big brother was only 9 months old. He had just turned 9 months so how could that be? Then I found out he was adopted! phew! Shortly after he was born they were pregnant with their baby girl! This mama made it through her pregnancy with a newborn! WOW!! This little lady was definitely wonderfully made!

My biggest concern was how to pose this little guy with his baby sister! I had a few plans and would just see how it went. Well, this guy ROCKED it!! Like out of the park! He is the most amazing little guy every! So happy and calm and he smiles ALL the time! Little did I know that was the least of my worries! LOL! Little sister was not so happy that day and from what I gather she had a few bad days. But man she was a cutie when she wasn’t crying! So many parents wonder what happens if the baby cries – I keep working! I am determined to get you a beautiful gallery no matter what!

Check out their sneak peek – can you believe this baby girl was a hard baby? I can only tell in a few places only because she wouldn’t let me pose her like I wanted to! It’s her poses her way and just as cute as can be!

For information on Newborn Sessions or to contact us click here

Sibling Newborn Photos
Newborn baby girl and brother
Family photos newborn shoot
Newborn photos Orange County
Wonderfully Made
Wonderfully Made

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